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Here’s How The X-Men Would Use Social Media


Here’s How The X-Men Would Use Social Media

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Here’s How The X-Men Would Use Social Media


Published on December 7, 2017

Mystique on social media

Mystique has an entire cottage industry of social media trolling.

Just the other day, video game creator and cartoonist Joffe started wondering what Wolverine would be like with a smartphone. What resulted was a rapid-fire tweetstorm of all the various SCARILY ACCURATE* ways that the X-Men and their assorted mutant/alien/whatever brethren act on social media.

*Although Gambit’s probably a Tumblr obsession more than a Twitter one, but anyway…


You can jump into this game, too! Emma Frost probably has assistants finely curating her Instagram and Twitter, with endorsements of edgier GOOP-style products on a secondary Pinterest. Doop splits his time between his surreal improvisational Twitch stream and his more cohesive YouTube edits. Forge is KIND OF A BIG DEAL on Stack Exchange and the Maker sub. Glob Herman and Beak both have video game speedrunning streams. Husk moderates several activist subreddits. Storm has verified accounts on Twitter and Facebook where she releases statements regarding political/societal events of the day….

We like this game a lot.

About the Author

Stubby the Rocket


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7 years ago

I think I don’t understand social media enough to understand why this is funny or fits with their particular personalities. I’m officially old ;)

7 years ago

@Lisa…thank you! I was feeling sooooo left out of this one!

7 years ago

The Inhumans are on Friendster. 

(Except Lockjaw. He has more Facebook followers than George Takei.) 

7 years ago

1,2, Oh, adults these days!  Maybe we should let you go back to your Acoustic coupler modems and ASCII art.


7 years ago

Magneto just discovered MySpace.

7 years ago

None of them buy new phones when the old ones die, they just wait for them to come back to life on their own.

Colossus only has one tweet because he is on Livejournal.

7 years ago

deleted by author

7 years ago

If you like this sort of thing, you’ll probably also like Kitty Unpretty‘s DCverse fanfic series “Sorrowful and Immaculate Hearts.”  It’s got a fair bit of pretty serious examination of how fucked up the inside of Batman’s head must be, but it’s also got a whole bunch of DC superheroes not really getting social media with hilarious consequences.  Start with “Anti-Social” and “Bad Publicity”. 

7 years ago

Nightcrawler: Fencing tumblr with demo and stunt videos. Posts constantly during Olympics, occasional funny Catholic memes. Has second account for skincare blog focusing on mutants with fur and scales, no one else knows it’s his but Beast and Rahne are followers. Sabretooth is also a follower but he doesn’t have a Tumblr.

The Stepford Cuckoos have separate Twitter accounts but all post nearly the same things and retweet one another constantly.

Meggan has an Instagram that Kitty set up when Captain Britain forgot. Posts photos of Captain Britain and herself with cute animals that she finds/find her. Unintentionally famous “Lifestyle Instagram Model”. Captions all photos with emoji.

Dust has bilingual Twitter and Tumblr accounts mostly to keep in touch with friends but also posts about anti-human trafficking efforts.

Rachel mostly lurks without accounts on a variety of sites. Likes all of her mom’s posts and made Wolverine “forget” his password cause the Phoenix cosplay retweets were getting weird. Pays Mystique to troll Emma’s Twitter.

7 years ago

Squirrel Girl and Gillen and McKelvie’s Young Avengers run, both have a lot of fun with superhero faux-Twitter/Instagram/Tumblr accounts. Both used them as a way of filling in what happened in the previous issue in the main.

7 years ago

Bobby gets all sorts of youtubers to cameo in his videos: trickshots with DudePerfect / acapella singalongs with Peter Hollens, etc.

James Moar
7 years ago

It’s unclear whether what Jamie Madrox does with his accounts qualifies as sockpuppeting or not.

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